“On my challenge, by the ancient laws of combat, we have met at this chosen ground, to settle for good and all, who holds the sway over the Five Points!” Its the Dead Rabbits gang against the natives. As Bill roars, wielding his butcher’s heavy knife, I would already be there next to him in his gang of natives. With McGloin and Hellcat Maggie to my right. This is Martin Scorsese’s movie – “Gangs of New York" New York in the 1800s, was not a city but rather a furnace where a city someday might be forged. It was absolute mayhem and chaos everywhere. Everyone is fighting against every one else - immigrants with the natives, corrupt politicians with themselves, people against a pervasive poverty, 2 opposing police departments, hordes of looting fire brigades, cholera and a catastrophic civil war. “The Five Points” – a slum at the cross junction of 5 streets (Mulberry, worth, cross, orange and little water) is the axis of all the evil. The root of all the rival gangs - Dead R...