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Showing posts from September, 2010

Comedy Wealth Games 2010 - Part 2

The Boxing Champion's bed crashed . Also it was revealed that the bed was made in China.

Comedy Wealth Games 2010 - Part 1

Bridge to the stadium collapses adding to the Common Wealth Games woe ! Pole Vault!


இப்போதெல்லாம் முறிந்த காதலுக்கு மூன்று வரி கவிதை அளவே வலி. மூன்று நாளில் மீண்டும் ஒரு கனாக்  காலம்!

A Date - Part 3 (The Emptiness)

“I don’t feel like going for this trip ” “Oh dear! Why?” “I don’t know” “hmmm… never mind. It will all end well” “All will end well? Is that another of your delusions? Do you want me to deceive myself like that?” “Nope. Seriously, things that have bothered me in the past have all ended well. It’s all for good. Even if it bothers now, in the long run, it will end well” [The above dialog was between a friend and me this morning] Now, remember the quintessential question – Is there an inherent meaning or purpose behind life? What you saw above is one of the conclusions – Everything is for good. For the good of ‘ YOU !’ For ages, people went crazy about that question. They pondered and because they can think, they concluded that, at the least, they are real. (Cogito ergo sum). But they were confused beyond that. Some suspected that they are part of some big plan but they just couldn’t deduce what this game is all about. I tried to distill the thinking into a simp...