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Showing posts from January, 2012

Toast Masters P4 Script - A Dummy's guide to multitasking

A few days back, I decided to cook for my family. (I use this placating measure at times to cool down my angry wife). As a new age techie, whenever I cook, I use my phone to show me the recipe. And it was the election times those days. I did not want to miss the important updates also. So I had the TV blasting from the hall so that I can hear the news. Here I am - phone on one hand, a bunch of vegetables on the other hand, ears listening to the news, on top of a brewing curry. As the moment came,  I dropped my phone into the curry instead of the vegetables.  Ooops! It took me a few seconds to realize what I have done . And at the end, like a macho man, I cried for help from my wife. She ran to the kitchen thinking that something life threatening has happened. As she saw me garnished the curry with my blackberry, she started screaming.  (By the way, blending in phones makes the curry taste poor). “ Just what are you doing in the kitchen with your phone ...