This script was written an hour before the actual speech. Of course I knew upfront that I am going to muse about the bygone era. And I had so much content from all my research in the past. Now, the challenge was to extract stories that can be told in 5 minutes and that would also enable me to use my body language much (which is the prime objective of ToastMasters Project 5). ---------------------------------------------------------- Past-O-Mania is reveling in the past, celebrating the heroes of the yester years, marveling the intensity of their lives and comparing it with that of ours. This short speech is my musings about 2 men from the past. 2 GREAT but relatively unpopular men outside the philosophical and scientific circles. Gentlemen, who knows how to measure the height of this building? Wait a minute, I am not going to give you sophisticated altimeters or any access to Google. (Some people answered to count the number of stories… I ask...