Buddha was supposed to give a sermon one day. He came, sat on the stage, picked up a flower and started examining it. Immediately, he allowed himself to be drawn by its vibrant color, intoxicating scent and softness. He did not speak a single word for the entire sermon. One of the monks present there, called Mahakasyapa, finally smiled. He was the only one who is said to have got it. His realization became what we now call the “Zen” after passing through many generations. What was Buddha trying to teach us with his silent yet very powerful demonstration? Well, we all know its to do with achieving oneness of the mind, living in the present moment etc. But I think, more than that outcome , Buddha was trying to teach the mechanics of achieving it. In my own words, I would say the mechanics is “ TO MAXIMIZE THE PLEASURE ”. Just hold this thought here. Around the same time in Greece, a man called Epicurus discovered the same operating principles. Life is all about maxi...