You are my audience to this segment (which I plan to repeat every month), if you have noticed or felt like putting a bullet into yourself when Twitter went down last week. So geeks, lets check what is juicy in our town.
Bill Gates committed suicide. In facebook, that is. He couldn’t keep up with the tens of hundreds of friend requests coming in everyday. That leaves him no time to read non-computer related books or flying and donating millions. So he deleted himself in facebook.
But how come there are no legal repercussions to it. Remember Japan’s Maple Story Murder? She deleted the identity of her virtual husband in SecondLife when he virtually divorced her. Thereby, virtually murdering him. She was arrested, not virtually but in real life. Gates would need a minimum of counseling for this recent suicidal tendency.
The world is going crunchy-munchy over apple’s tablet – the device that presumably will transform our lives. No specs available yet, but here are some speculations on its looks. Telcos, get ready again to count your truck loads of revenue.
But, here is a Singaporean answer to Apple. The mythical creature finally taking its shape. Daringly built without any storage, it embraces the futuristic idea that ‘the web’ is ‘the computer’. But with Twitter being brought down by teens, we have to rethink on our fences first.
iPhone apps have grown beyond 65000 in number. My apps of the month rating goes for
- Use your iphone as a web server. Check this bold idea . What if Apple doest publish your cool app? Host it on your iPhone and get your limelight.
- Fatburner2k. Tie your iPhone on your bulge and use this app's vibrations to burn your fat. Go away Osim! Your uZap is not as cool.
- Adultery 2.0. Ahem… have you signed up yet?
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