"Look at all your peers, bosses, neighbors and friends – those so called successful men. Underneath it all, they do this all for their ‘women’. They work like mad for that fancy house their women want. Do you think these idiots will care to strive this hard, if all their women are happy to screw them in a card board box? Their drive comes from women who are clueless about what they want in life. Or women who have a screwed up value system that never keeps them happy anyway. Now tell me, isn’t the world so full of idiots?"
Then begged a loser, "Speak to us of spiritual gurus."
"They are fascists, actually. They have a ridiculously high level of ignorance to think that they have found something that others have not. They even go about designing packages for your spiritual growth. And they know nothing about you. They teach nothing close to creating an enlightened man. If not, the world will be so full of Buddha’s today, isn’t it? Wake up and see what kind of idiots these gurus are!"
Then a hip young man said, "Obama?"
"Are you telling me Obama has the clues? Hahaha. He or his army of advisors understand nuts about their own economical or political system. They are like these clueless doctors. They all experiment. They take actions that they themselves are not sure of and hope for the miracle to bring in the healing. Like pilots that turn a knob but has no clue of the internal engineering."
Then an old stressed project manager pleaded, "Speak to us of the subject-matter-experts."
"Their nonsense level on that subject is slightly higher than yours, that’s all. All these subjects have a great level of connection and dependency. Knowing only one subject in deep is of no use absolutely. The term ‘subject matter’ expert itself is ridiculously meaningless. What can I say of these subject matter idiots then?"
“Master, what of scientists? And men with originality?” demanded a woman who held a thick book against her bosom.
"Does any one really understand fully what lies beneath the oceans, the cosmos, the genes, the life, the matter, the purpose? Look at the history. Every now and then, some one puts forth a theory and that stands for centuries until some one else breaks it with another theory. The greatest damages to the world are done by this bunch of ignorant men."
"Those who claim they have the originality are the greatest liars. For there is no such thing as originality. Its only a matter how smart you are in hiding the sources. Or what kind of idiots you are dealing with."
And the world is so full of idiots.
(From Facebook)
ReplyDeletePraful Saparia : Indeed...so true !
Yesterday at 11:08pm ·
Ramkumar Kothandaraman : it's rather fun to watch the esoteric way the world functions than getting all agitated and worked up over it. :) and i thought there are only three idiots :)
10 hours ago ·
Raja SP : @Ram : yea, i did write it in a pissed off tone. At times, cant digest how the world puts phonies on the pedestal. Just doing my bit to demystify. Its fun otherwise, like you said rightly :)